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Claire Cremeens

Claire Cremeens, M.M.

Claire Cremeens, M.M.

Academic Advisor 1
English Specialist

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Where is your hometown? 
Jonesboro, AR

What was your major(s)/degree(s) and where did you go to school?
Master of Music in Music History and Literature, Texas State University
Bachelor of Music Education in Instrumental Music, Arkansas State University

Why did you decide to pursue a career in higher education?
I love being in an education/higher learning environment. Additionally, I loved the campus at TXST when I was a student, and I didn’t want to leave, so I worked a temp job in the Graduate College before getting truly lucky and landing an academic advising job in 2016.

What is your favorite part of working for Texas State University? 
My AMAZING co-workers and getting to work with incredibly driven and intelligent students.

What “words of wisdom” would you like to share with students?
Remember that this is your journey, and you make it what you want. Don’t let others tell you how many hours to take each semester, or how long it “should” take you to graduate, or what you should major in. These are your choices to make. This is your time to learn and grow in the way you want. Additionally, be open to taking classes in unfamiliar subjects and joining student organizations/activities that are new to you—you never know what you’ll learn about yourself and your environment.

Tell us a random fact about yourself.
I’ve been a D&D nerd for around 2 years, and it’s getting worse!